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it is predicted that 意味

"it is predicted that"の例文


  • (that 以下)が予測{よそく}されている
  • it     it 其れ それ イット
  • that     that pron. それ. 【動詞+】 I like that! 《反語》 (あきれた時などに)こいつはいいや; こんなことまっぴらだ
  • as was widely predicted    大方{おおかた}の予想{よそう}どおり
  • predicted barrage    predicted barrage 対空弾幕[航宇]
  • predicted behavior    予測挙動{よそく きょどう}
  • predicted cost    予想原価{よそう げんか}
  • predicted difference    predicted difference 予測差
  • predicted effect    予測効果{よそく こうか}
  • predicted error    predicted error 予想誤差[電情]
  • predicted figures    (売上高{うりあげだか}?販売数量{はんばい すうりょう}?利益{りえき}?価格{かかく}などの)予測値{よそくち}
  • predicted firing    predicted firing 待射ち射撃[航宇]
  • predicted performance    予測性能{よそく せいのう}
  • predicted reliability    予測信頼度{よそく しんらいど}
  • predicted sum    予想合計{よそう ごうけい}
  • predicted test    予測{よそく}テスト


  • it is predicted that this person will come to this system , this gate
    この星系に 彼奴めが来るのを 予想されるとは このゲール
  • in the future , the post of chief is expected to be monopolized by the jabir line and it is predicted that the salim line will decline .
  • this verse is known as a prophecy , where it is predicted that the imperial reign would count 100 emperors , and according today ' s study , the emperor go-komatsu is considered to be the 100th emperor .
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